Honda F1 Logo 為什麼有這麼一群人,甘願冒著生命危險,千鈞一髮,呼嘯而過?

「速度、速度、速度」是賽車場上的重要定律。F1 就是賽車的標竿,強烈追求「速度就是一切」的不變定律。


可是,去年底的房車市場一片慘淡,各國汽車工業都虧錢。所以很擔心精彩的 F1會因為全球經濟的不景氣而消失。

果然,HONDA 就這樣在2008.Dec.5 宣布要離開 F1 競賽場。晴天霹靂的消息!車迷們心中難免有所失落。

不過, Honda 卻不放棄任何重返 F1 賽事的希望。現在,Honda F1 車隊賣給了前車隊領導人Ross Brawn,讓新管理者重組車隊並重返光榮!至於新團隊要不要取新名字,就等待新老闆的答案了!

不過可以肯定的,2009 F1又是個精彩的一年!

BBC F1 Drivers&Teams:

======= Honda Announces Sale of the Honda Racing F1 Team ========

TOKYO, Japan, March 6, 2009

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. has announced the sale of the Honda Racing F1 Team (HRF1) to Ross Brawn, the former Team Principal of Honda Racing F1 Team.

The entire shares of the HRF1, held by Honda GP Holdings Ltd., the UK-based holding company for HRF1 that managed all operations of Honda’s Formula One racing, were sold to Ross Brawn. As a result of this sale, the team ownership has transferred to Mr. Brawn, who plans to have the new team compete for this year’s FIA Formula One World Championship.



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